Change Maker. Advocate. CEO.
As CEO of the BKMC, Monika Froehler has made it her mission to inspire and empower leaders for the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. She was entrusted by Ban Ki-moon, 8th UN Secretary-General and Heinz Fischer, 11th President of Austria, to establish the Ban Ki-moon Centre. Throughout her career at the UN in Geneva, NY and Vienna, the EU, the Austrian Foreign Ministry and in field missions, she worked with hundreds of women, young people and communities to ban landmines, foster eco-friendly cities, improve hospital care in rural areas and living conditions of women in rural Central Asia, Africa, and Middle East.
Monika Froehler / © BKMC, Eugenie Berger
“We have only one planet A and no planet B. Since 2015, we have a worldwide program - the Global Goals - to meet planetary, human and economic needs. This is to ensure that future generations have a life worth living on the planet. Shaping the future with young people worldwide is fulfilling and gives hope!”
BKMC Board Meeting March 2023 / © BKMC, Martin Krachler
Working with BKMC global scholarship holders / © BKMC, Eugenie Berger
The Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens is a Quasi-International Organization located in Vienna, Austria, established in January 2018. The Centre is co-chaired by Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the UN, and by Heinz Fischer 11th President of the Republic of Austria. The mission is to foster leadership for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement by inspiring current decision makers and empowering the next generation of changemakers.
Guided by Co-chairs Ban Ki-moon and Heinz Fischer's leadership roles, they conduct their work through advocating for governmental policymaking on global issues such as sustainable development, climate action, gender justice, and transformative education while offering direct opportunities to young changemakers to amplify their voices and equip them with SDG knowledge, 21st century skills and global citizenship values.
Monika Froehler is also an International Gender Champion and has supported since 2018 the annual Orange the World Campaign to raise awareness for the urgent need to eliminate violence against women and girls.
Orange The World / © BKMC, Eugénie Berger
With Jane Goodall at DAVOS working on climate action and the Paris Agreement / © BKMC
“I have the honour to work with high-level decision makers and passionate young changemakers to keep the promise of the SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement. We have the solutions to stop climate change, poverty, inequality, hunger & conflicts. It is crucial to inspire, challenge, and empower women and youth to act for our planet and with global citizen values.”