Queer feminist human rights activist. Arts and cultural mediator.
Some people have to flee their homes because they are marginalised and persecuted as homo-, trans- and bi-persons. Since 2011, Marty Huber and a network of the Viennese LGBTIQ community have been supporting refugees who had to leave their home country because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. This network led to the founding of Queer Base in 2016 and supports LGBTIQ refugees with housing in safe apartments, advises on legal issues and dealing with authorities, arranges therapy places, provides educational work in health matters, as well as counseling on issues of coming out and self-affirmation. One focus of Marty Huber's work is in the area of education and training for social workers up to judges at the BVwG. She is a member of the Consultative Forum of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA).
Marty Huber / © Jakob Alexander
“Radical solidarity means building an infrastructure from below that enables access to resources for all. This requires a sea of empathy and not a drop of paternalism!”
Making Waves
Poem by Queer Base Refugee Collective for Vienna Pride 2019
In the name of the sea, some of us are still drowning there. Witnessing forever the others who crossed on golden wings, half sleeping, half busy, with how they can raise the next wave of ignorance.
In the name of the island, we are gathering our voices and screaming: Do you hear, people, what we hear behind the fortress Europe doors? When will we, our people, love each other more and build the bridges of rescue.
In the name of the waves, we demand re-spect for the lives of our siblings. No one deserves to be left and forgotten in the void you have created between the shores.
In the name of love, we are here to bridge the borders between us. We teach, hold and uplift each other. We dance, laugh and cry with each other. We fight for one another. In the painful memory of the dead, in unconditional solidarity with the living, we are making the waves.
friends.queerbase.at ➢ cba.fro.at ➢
“As people who love in solidarity, we are challenged to work on forms of support with caution and consideration, rather than quick indignation. Solidarity needs staying power, vehemence and a sense of the right time for intervention. ”