Cultural manager. Feminist. Curator.
A great believer in the power of creativity and dedicated to elevating creativity both socially and economically; Bettina Steindl is a curator, communicator, and transformation manager. She was part of the Ruhrtriennale and co-founder of Urbane Künste Ruhr, managed the designforum Wien and the office for the application of ‘Dornbirn Plus’ as a European Capital of Culture. She is currently establishing a centre for creative industries and networking in the CampusVäre in Dornbirn. The CampusVäre in Dornbirn is a contact point and platform for creative industries, digitization, science, education, innovation, and culture. Its’ old factory location in Dornbirn has been developed to create a hub for creative people, start-ups, companies, craftsmen, students, and pioneers.
Bettina Steindl / © Lisa Dünser
“We are 50% of the population. We are in every household, in almost all companies and at universities - we are half everywhere. Only when we are also 50% represented in decision-making structures are we represented in proportion to our numbers.”
Campus V / © Marina Schedler
Campus V / © Dietmar Tollerian
“Creativity is the raw material of the future.”
c-i-v.at ➢