Theatre maker. Author. Singer.
Scenic storytelling with all senses and means - theatre maker Anna L. Krassnigg, who grew up multilingual, draws her strength from the process of creating a work. Just like her alias Anna Luca Poloni, from developing and performing documentary and literary material. Krassnigg has created numerous productions and stage versions for the Staatstheater Braunschweig, the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, the Theater in der Josefstadt, the Schauspielhaus Wien and the Wiener Festwochen, among others. Krassnigg has been a university professor of directing at the Max Reinhardt Seminar for over a decade and is the director of wortwiege and the wortwiege festival as well as the SEA CHANGE initiative. Poloni writes poetry, prose and theatre texts and is a singer-songwriter for Fox on Ice.
Anna Maria Krassnigg / © Andrea Klem
“What can the performing arts show in a present that surpasses the most bizarre fantasies of great playwrights? Perhaps how fragile every kind of relationship is: beware! the characters in our plays might cry out, beware - we are fragile! And: art, this second reality, is a valid alternative to war.”
“It is a special kind of courage that the stage demands: an over-courage. Because transforming yourself into another existence or another side of your own existence requires a certain, almost philosophical effort. But to do it in front of others: that’s over-courage.”