The sculptures and installations of artist Anna Carina Roth. Mainly working with ceramics and light sensitive paper or chemicals, latex, leather, or wax, documenting the passing of Jme, making it comprehensible. The human body as well as the language are a central running theme in her work and whatever the medium of choice the process of creation is as much part of her work as the final piece itself. Starting in September 2023 Anna Carina Roth will be Artist in Residence at La Ira de Dios in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Anna Carina Roth / © Verena Gotthardt
“My works deal with the traces that the human body in particular leaves behind as well as the trace as a relic. It’s a lot about the question: What remains? To me it‘s beautiful to create an oeuvre that contains works every person will see differently because it will never look the same. It grows old with us, so to speak. Nothing lasts forever and as human beings, we know that. It‘s just hard for us to accept.”
Fremdkörper 2022
“The art world should generate more visibility for diversity.”
It comes in waves 2022
Shadow ban Relikt 2021